• Solid product program focusing on economy, environment and CSR


The Stjernholm product program covers the entire range from sewers through pre-treatment and the purification process to secondary treatment.

The product range has been optimised based on the following 3 important parameters:


The product range is a combination of a large own production and agents from a list of leading suppliers across the world.

Below is an overview of the program. Click on each product to gain access to data, technical descriptions, product brochures etc.


The pre-treatment is designed to contribute to the fulfilment of utility strategies, KPIs and goals.

Call or write if you would like to engage in a dialogue about one of our products or would like to order a surveyor’s report related to the entire pre-treatment process with verifiable, sustainable solution proposals.
 Contact us


The process is designed to contribute to the fulfilment of utility strategies, KPIs and goals.

Call or write if you would like to engage in a dialogue about one of our products or would like to order a surveyor’s report related to the processes with verifiable, sustainable solution proposals.
 Contact us

Sludge treatment

The sludge treatment is designed to contribute to the fulfilment of utility strategies, KPIs and goals.

Call or write if you would like to engage in a dialogue about one of our products or would like to order a surveyor’s report related to sludge treatment with verifiable, sustainable solution proposals.
 Contact us

”Outside the fence”

The facilities outside the fence are designed to contribute to the fulfilment of utility strategies, KPIs and goals.

Call or write if you would like to engage in a dialogue about one of our products or would like to order a surveyor’s report related to the facilities outside the fence with verifiable, sustainable solution proposals.
 Contact us

Dairy farms

The Stjernholm grit washer system for dairy farms separates grit from slurry. The grit can be re-used and the slurry can be used for biogas production.

 Contact us

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Stjernholm A/S

Stjernholm A/S
Langelandsvej 4A
8940 Randers SV
CVR: 28 88 49 66

+45 70 20 25 05


Stjernholm US Inc

875 North Michigan Avenue
Chicago, Illinois 60 611

+1 346 388 2791