Filterband screen

The FSM Filterband screen capture up to 85% of the screenings

The well-known FSM filterband screens are installed in many different places around the world, under varying conditions. Everywhere, this screen has achieved very good results with very high collection levels and a high level of operational reliability.

Perforated, moveable steel panels automatically create a mat of screen material which is removed from the filter screen by means of brushes located at the top of the screen. Accumulated screenings are then collected in a conveyor and led on to screen material washing.

Upstream and downstream levels at the screen are determined either through ultrasound or a stick electrode. Once the water line exceeds a predetermined value, the screen and the cleaning brush are activated and solenoid valves facilitate water supply to the water-jet unit on the screen.

The construction of the filterband screen, featuring a carrier on every fifth filter element, prevents the accumulation of liquid matters by the inlet in front of the screen. The steel filter is pulled by chains and slides on plastic rails mounted on the machine frame.

FSM filterband screens are available with a width from 300 to 3,000 mm and with an ejection height of up to 11,000 mm. The filter panels are delivered with gauges that are tailor-made to customer needs, from 2 to 12 mm.


When you cooperate with us, you know that we are focusing on delivering a solution to you that adds value to your facility.


  • Service life of 15-20 years, a calculated payback time of 4-6 years.
  • The absorption level within the process can lead to savings of up to 50% and other potential financial benefits.
  • Reduced number of service hours. According to experience, the self-purifying, automatic operation reduces time needed for inspection and maintenance with up to 2 hours per week.


  • Engines that fulfil EU requirements related to energy saving engines by law as of January 2017 contribute to reducing the total CO2 emission from the facility.
  • A higher degree of absorption of screen materials ensures better utilisation of fat and sludge in the next facility processes. That means less storage and transport and therefore less CO2 emission from the facility.


  • Service-friendliness and operational reliability minimise the need for staff to touch the waste water, creating better working conditions and reducing absenteeism due to illness.

Thomas Fleischer Christiansen

92 15 22 15

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