Screening washing press

Screening washing press that ensures efficient transport and washing for organic material

The screening washing press from Stjernholm is utilised in many purification plants. Everywhere, it achieves very good results, e.g. up to 45% dry matters and a screen material production of up to 60%. The facility ensures efficient and optimal transport and washing of the screening for organic material, at the same time increasing the dry matter content in the washed screen material.

System with a good economy
A high level of effectiveness means less need for disposal and transport, thereby minimising handling costs. The leached out and pressed screen material is directly discharged in disposal bags made of plastic. A completely closed system is guaranteed, featuring a high level of hygiene with regards to screen material handling.


When you cooperate with us, you know that we are focusing on delivering a solution to you that adds value to your facility.


  • Service life of 15-20 years and a calculated payback time of 4-6 years.
  • Disposal savings of up to 25% based on increased dry matter content of up to 45% and a screen material reduction of up to 80%.
  • Automatic operation reduces the number of service hours. According to experience, a combination with discharge directly in Longofil bags reduces time consumption for inspection and handling by up to 2 hours per week.


  • Engines that fulfil EU requirements related to energy saving engines by law as of January 2017 contribute to reducing the total CO2 emission from the facility.
  • Screen material reduction leads to significantly reduced transport and disposal costs, thereby reducing the total CO2 emission of the facility.


  • Service-friendliness, operational reliability and the closed system minimise smells and the need for staff to touch the medium, thereby creating better working conditions and reducing absenteeism due to illness.

Thomas Fleischer Christiansen

92 15 22 15

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Stjernholm A/S

Stjernholm A/S
Langelandsvej 4A
8940 Randers SV
CVR: 28 88 49 66
+45 70 20 25 05


Stjernholm US Inc

875 North Michigan Avenue
Chicago, Illinois 60 611
+1 346 388 2791