Sand washer/Grit washer

The Stjernholm Grit Washer effectively washes organic material from the sand, leaving a minimum of sand particles in the reject water

Many Danish wastewater treatment plants use the grit washer from Stjernholm as a fixed installation. Therefore, we are able to document very good results, e.g. up to 95% dry matter and an ignition loss of less than 3%.

The grit washer from Stjernholm is characterized by effective washing, leaving less than 3% of organic material in the grit and less than 10% sand particles in the reject water. Such a high level of efficiency significantly reduces costs related to disposal and transport.

All our grit washers are highly customizable and a perfect solution for grit washing and dewatering at

  • Municipal wastewater treatment plants as new installations, expansion and upgrades or replacements for worn out grit washers or grit classifiers
  • Receiving station for vacuum trucks and street sweepers
  • Large lift stations (grit pit/ponds)
  • Dairy farms using sand bedding – separation of slurry and sand (99% reuse of sand).

Stjernholm Grit Washer is available in 4 different sizes with a treating capacity up to 3000 l/m equal to 793 gal/m – and a grit output of up to 3 tons per hour with two screw conveyers. 


When you cooperate with us, you know that we are focusing on delivering a solution to you that adds value to your facility.


  • Reduce hauling and landfill costs: Separating grit and organic material and dewatering of the grit can significantly reduce the disposal volume (up to 90 %)
  • Carbon harvesting: By separation of grit and organic material, organics are send to the treatment process downstream. As a rule of thumb 1 lb organics produces 16 ft3 biogas
  • Less wear and tear of downstream equipment and less grit buildup in tanks and digesters: Optimal operation of an aerated grit chamber can reduce the energy use in the grit chamber by up to 75% energy in order to retain as much grit as possible
  • Product lifespan of 15-20 years


  • Resource recovery: Utilization of organics to biogas production
  • Grit reuse: What is the reuse potential of grit in your area with maximum 3% organics in grit output? E.g. as construction material
  • Reduction of emissions: Reduced hauling reduces the total CO2 emissions
  • Reduction of emissions: Very energy efficient electrical motor and gears help reduce the total emissions of the plant


  • Less odor: Closed system and minimal organics in output = happier neighbors and a better working environment and reduced risks for the operators
  • No chemicals: Mechanical separation of grit and organics

Thomas Fleischer Christiansen

92 15 22 15

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Stjernholm A/S

Stjernholm A/S
Langelandsvej 4A
8940 Randers SV
CVR: 28 88 49 66
+45 70 20 25 05


Stjernholm US Inc

875 North Michigan Avenue
Chicago, Illinois 60 611
+1 346 388 2791