Stjernholm attends Cattle Congress with award-winning sand-slurry separator.

When we were awarded the 2020 European Business Award for the Environment, the panel of judges found that our installation is “a good example of circular economy resulting in large raw material savings and a significant CO2 reduction”.

Since then, the COVID-19 pandemic has prevented i.a. the traditional Cattle Congress, but on Monday, 2 May, we can once again meet Danish stock breeders, cattle consultants and biogas representatives to discuss the possibilities of both using sand in cubicles and delivering sand-free slurry for biogas production.

We will share a stand with Gråkjær that in many ways shares our beliefs and values within the environmental area, and we are looking forward to once again meeting people from the industry in person!

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Stjernholm A/S

Stjernholm A/S
Langelandsvej 4A
8940 Randers SV
CVR: 28 88 49 66
+45 70 20 25 05


Stjernholm US Inc

875 North Michigan Avenue
Chicago, Illinois 60 611
+1 346 388 2791