Author: samuelolelarsen

Stjernholm visiting in China

To day Kaj Stjernholm, Bjarki Mohr and Ulrik Folkmann visit a Modern dairy  farm in China in order to present the Stjernholm sand washer system for dairy farms.

They showed among others a video stating the results achieved  at Erik Dolby’s farm in Denmark.

The hosts were very satisfied and impressed!

Article in BOWI

BOVI, Danish milk producer’s trade journal, published an article in its August edition stating that Erik Dolby, milk producer, can reuse 99.5 per cent of the sand from his cow cubicles using a system that separate the sand from the slurry.

We supplied that system – and we are so proud of the content in the article that we had it translated into English.
The very high retention rate is one of the reasons that our Stjernholm/Opicon plant is very eco-friendly and is guaranteed to always be highly competitive when it comes to the overall economy.

The English translation of the BOVI article is available here.

Visit us at WEFTEC 2019 in Chicago

From today, 23 September, until Wednesday, 25 September, we are ready to present our competitive solutions to efficient wastewater treatment at WEFTEC 2019 in Chicago.

Meet us at Pavilion of Denmark – we look forward to discussing facts with everyone who would like to enter into a sustainable partnership with focus on economy, environment and CSR.

WTA Fact Finding Tour

Stjernholm is currently at the WTA Fact Finding Tour with a number of prospective, American customers.

Denmark is at the forefront at the world market when it comes to wastewater purification, and this means considerable export opportunities for innovative, Danish suppliers to this sector.

Yesterday, the delegation visited Marselisborg Renseanlæg (purification plant) under Århus Vand. The plant has a good deal of Stjernholm equipment in service.


The dialogue provided the optimum solution

Jens Enevoldsen from Din Forsyning: – The dialogue provided the optimum solution. We have significantly lifted our working environment.-

-When our 2 old Stjernholm grit washer after almost 20 years had performed their job, we started making tender material on a 1:1 solution,- says the manager from Din Forsyning, Jens Enevoldsen, – but I had a feeling that we should avoid making our material too restrictive. I felt it was important that we had the opportunity to use our knowledge, working together with our adviser Envidan and our potential suppliers, making room for developing new ideas.

The solution was that we wrote in the tender that we would like to receive alternative solutions.

Stjernholm A/S took up this challenge, they visited our plant Wastewater West plant – looked at the conditions – and suggested one large grit washer to replace the previous 2 small ones.

The result was both a cheaper and a much more robust solution. Stjernholm SR2500 simply runs smoothly, We have no stops and the operators come much less in contact with the wastewater. It easily handles the grit we add. It keeps more sand back and it seems that the sand also washed considerably cleaner now.

-To optimize the operation 100%, Stjernholm offered to visit us a morning with some of their people so we could make “knowledge sharing”. It was a very rewarding morning, which all participant had great pleasure in, – says Jens Enevoldsen.

– And we have already begun our next challenge,- continues Jens Enevoldsen. – Ulrik from Stjernholm believes that the washed grit is so clean that it can be recycled instead of being delivered to landfill. Yes, it may even end up being able to get money for it instead of having to pay for it.

Fantastic what a dialogue at the right time can lead to,- concludes Jens Enevoldsen from Din Forsyning

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Stjernholm A/S

Stjernholm A/S
Langelandsvej 4A
8940 Randers SV
CVR: 28 88 49 66
+45 70 20 25 05


Stjernholm US Inc

875 North Michigan Avenue
Chicago, Illinois 60 611
+1 346 388 2791